• Best Rate and Best Values Guarantees
  • Flexible to Change and Amend Bookings
  • Better Rooms, Better Service
  • Definitely Additional Benefits

Dialoog Hotel is private property and maintains a strict policy against the use of its hotel grounds (all interior spaces, exterior grounds, etc.) for unauthorized professional or commercial photography/videography purposes.
  • Dialoog Hotel does NOT allow any area of its hotel property (all indoor and outdoor grounds) to be used for professional portrait photography or videography purposes, including but not limited to Pre-Wedding, Wedding, Engagement, Class, Family and Individual Portraits, Advertising Photography, and Model/Fashion Shoots, etc.
  • Unauthorized professional photographers/videographers are subject to immediate expulsion from the hotel property.
  • Dialoog Hotels places the highest priority on the privacy and safety of guests and staff, avoiding disruption and maintaining tranquillity throughout the property. Personal drone use is NOT permitted on property or in the airspace above all Dialoog Hotel properties.

Professional photography/videography will only be allowed and approved for the following situations:
  • Contracted Events and Meetings taking place onsite at Dialoog Hotel for event documentation and promotional purposes. The photographer/ videographer must be provided an official event badge/credential or other form of identification from the event organizer that easily identifies them as being affiliated with the group or organization. This badge/credential or other form of identification must always be worn or visible at all times while the photographer is conducting services on Dialoog property.
  • Contracted Pre-Wedding/ Wedding/ Commitment Ceremony & Wedding Receptions taking place onsite at Dialoog Hotel. The couple will work with the Sales Department regarding the details of their planned photography/videographer session, including pre-arranging a specific date and time, so it can be authorized in advance.
  • Only couples having their Wedding Ceremony/Wedding Reception event occur onsite at Dialoog Hotel are allowed to have their Wedding or Engagement photos/videos taken onsite. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Dialoog Sales Department.
  • News Media Coverage - Members of the news media should contact our Corporate Communication department in advance via email New media visits for the purpose of onsite photography or videography must be arranged in advance. Official press credentials are required.

Personal & Amateur Photography and Videography

Dialoog Hotel encourages its guests to take personal video or still photographs while enjoying their visit. All images and videos taken by guests and visitors are allowed free of charge so long as the images and videos are used for a personal, non-commercial purpose. All photographs and video should be taken from public viewing areas, and must be taken with a hand-held camera (non-professional equipment).
  • IMPORTANT: All camera accessories that could potentially impede foot traffic are expressly forbidden, including: camera tripods, monopods, lighting setups, large reflectors and staging shots.
  • Dialoog Hotel has the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold or withdraw consent to photograph and video (or to reproduce photographs or video) of the hotel and related property.
  • Photographs may not be published, sold, reproduced, transmitted, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever. All trademarks, service marks, logos, images, and facilities of Dialoog Hotel are the sole property of Dialoog Hotel and may not be used, reproduced, displayed or distributed without written consent.

Events and Meetings

If you would like to photograph your special event, meeting or group gathering being held at Dialoog Hotel, we are happy to support your efforts. The following policies and guidelines are not meant to be restrictive, but simply to help avoid operational challenges, space conflicts and interruptions for other groups utilizing our meeting space. They are also meant to protect the security and confidential nature of our event customers, and the important business they conduct on our property.
  • Before scheduling photography/videography in any public spaces (including our ballroom and hotel grounds), please review your request with Dialoog Event / Sales Manager. Any of these contacts will be happy to check availability of public spaces. This will help to avoid any space conflicts or interruptions.
  • Professional photographers/videographers who are contracted to document your event MUST be provided and wear your official event badge/credential (or other form of official identification) while they are working onsite that clearly shows their affiliation with your event. Professionals working without proper identification will be stopped by a member of our security team and will not be allowed to continue with their work until they have obtained the proper identification.
  • Media who will be covering your event MUST be provided and wear your official event badge/credential (or other form of official identification) while they are working onsite that clearly shows their affiliation with your event. Media working without proper identification will be stopped by a member of our security team and will not be allowed to continue with their work until they have obtained the proper identification.
  • It is the responsibility of the event organizer to provide their news media, professional photographer/videographer, and any assistants or crew, with the appropriate event credential or official identification in advance, before any documentation work is performed on Dialoog Hotel property.

Please contact us at to enquire about photography and videography privileges at Dialoog Hotel.